These popular media sources all post different issues and despite the difference in issues, they have one thing in common which are all attached to social inequality, and somehow wind around governmental issues. the most concern social issues are being published to the public, the issues with come across daily, such as gender inequality, race, economic etc.. only few of these issues are informed by social science and other issues are informed by journalist which refer their publication from the studies of social sciences. The negative is more published than the positive. my concerns would be what are their suggestions of possible solutions.
The name is Lawale, you can call me Lulu or Lu. people find me interesting but i don't think i am. as a new blogger who loves fashion you will be reading my views on sociological perspectives (feel free to share your views) and everything i know about fashion. A little bit more about me: i am a college student, who is studying sociology as a major and french as a minor. why a sociology major? well i can say that I've always wanted to know how society functions, how and why do society ends up in situations such as poverty, civil wars, homeless, basically why things happens the way they are.
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